Help With Church Builder

Logging in.

imageMembers of the Anlaby Churches are able to log in to the site to view member only material and access features such as article editing, rota managers, resource booking and viewing the contact details of other members.

At present 'member' is defined as regularly attending one of the Sunday Services at St. Mark's or St. Peter's and having completed and submitted an electoral roll form. 

In order to login, you must have provided at least your name and either mobile telephone number or email address to the church office.


If you have supplied this information, one of our administrators will send you your username and temporary password. Following this go to Connect / Login and enter the details given.

Once you have logged in please do revisit this page for further help - further instructions / help will appear for specific groups of members with access to certain functions. 

More Help Required?

If you would like additional support please speak to Chris Finney or contact him using the form below:

Your name:

Your email address:

Your message: